Perfect Harmony: Mastering Sound Setup for Show Choir Performances

The quality of sound in a show choir performance can make or break a show. It can mean the difference between a memorable performance and...  More

Optimizing Acoustics for Show Choir Performances: A Technical Guide for Directors

Among all the moving parts that come together to create an electrifying show choir performance, the importance of acoustics cannot be...  More

Buyer’s Guide 2021

Buyer's Guide 2021  More

The Virtues of Virtual Acoustics

The music rooms in many newer schools are amazing feats of space and acoustics. The volume, acoustical treatments, and layout have all been...  More

Buyer’s Guide For Show Choirs 2019

The 2019 Show Choir Buyer's Guide features Costuming, Staging and Auditoriums, Arrangers, Fundraising, Audio, and Accessories. We are so...  More

Tips for Miking a Show Choir

Show choirs come in many sizes and styles. They all have one thing in common, however: an audience that wants to hear them. With that comes...  More

Perfecting Audio & Sound for Show Choirs

An often overlooked yet vital part of modern musical performances is the sound reinforcement (PA) system. In a perfect world, a trained...  More

Introduction to Wireless Microphone Systems

Conventional wired microphones convert sound into an electrical audio signal that is sent to the sound system through a cable. Live music...  More

Acoustics: You Don’t Always Hear What You See

WYSIWYG is an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get." This is the common name in computing for a system in which content (text and...  More

New FCC Rules Dramatically Impact Use of Wireless Mics for Show Choirs

The way show choirs use wireless microphones will be forever changed by July 13, 2020, which is he last day wireless mics will be allowed...  More